Judaic Studies » Chumash


6th Grade: The objective for the year is to study Parshios Yisro to Ki Tisa in Sefer Shemos, with an emphasis on the preparation for Matan Torah, the Aseres Hadibros, and Cheit Ha’egel. The class is dedicating time and effort to learning key Rashi vocabulary and practicing reading and understanding Rashi, in addition to reinforcing shorashim and dikduk to promote independent learning. The class format encompasses class discussions and chavrusa (cooperative) learning as well as project-based assessments. 


7th Grade: The seventh-grade girls study the first half of Sefer Bamidbar, covering Parshios Bamidbar, Naso, and B’ha’aloscha.  The focus is on building translation, reading, and comprehension skills, as well as the ability to read and understand Rashi. Additional meforshim are introduced as well. 


8th Grade: The eighth graders are learning and continuing to build skills as they study the second half of Sefer Bamidbar: including Parshas Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, and Pinchas. The students will focus on reading, deciphering, and understanding more meforshim, building upon their Rashi skills, focusing on Ramban, Seforno, and Ibn Ezra. Lessons are more geared towards independent and cooperative learning (Chavrusa style) to encourage and prepare the girls to learn independently and at a higher level and lay the foundation to be lifelong learners. 

9th Grade: The ninth-grade girls are studying Chumash Sefer Shemos, from the first Parsha of Shemos until Yisro. They focus on textual skills, comprehension, and relevance and use a variety of commentaries, including Rashi, Ramban, Ibn Ezra, and Seforno. The students use the Mishneh Torah of the Rambam to complement the halachic component of the parshios. They learn about the Torah’s standards for ethical behavior, Emunah, Bitachon, Yiras Shamayim, and overall observance of mitzvos


10th Grade: The Tenth Grade girl  study the  characters and themes that were at the very beginning of Am Yisroel with the focus of מעשה אבות סימן לבנים. Starting from Parshas Vayeshev, they will go deep into the motivations and actions of the Avos and Imahos, garnering life lessons from the way that they lived their lives, and built the foundation of our nation.  The class will focus on improving skills to be able to read and translate Rashi and to understand Rashi’s question and what words in Pasuk prompted him to comment. As well, they will learn to read and decipher the deeper commentaries of the Ramban, with his complex, philosophical questions and themes. 


11th Grade: The students are studying Sefer Bereishis, beginning with Parshas Lech Lecha. At this level, the girls are prepared to delve even more deeply into a study of the Mefarshim (commentaries): Radak/Ramban/Seforno, Ibn Ezra, and Rashi. The themes of this class offer a deep focus on Hashkafa and the personalities of our Avos and Imahos and take lessons from their Hanhagos (behavior) and Emunah (belief). The deeper focus on these commentaries will help their skills grow, in both literal and lateral ways. These commentaries will strengthen their abilities and motivation to be lifelong learners. 


12th Grade: The students will be studying Bereishis from the time of the death of Sarah. As in previous grades, Rashi will be studied intensely, as well as intensive study of the Ramban, Targum Onkelos, Seforno, Ibn Ezra, and the Or HaChaim. The girls will hone their abilities to understand the difference between the mefarshim and what prompted their interpretation, as well as develop their skills and confidence to ensure they become lifelong learners. They are encouraged to think, question, and understand what the passages are about.