School Profile » Curricular And Co-Curricular Programing

Curricular And Co-Curricular Programing

At Sha'arei Bina, both our Judaic and General Studies curricula are meticulously crafted not only to meet but exceed accreditation standards. Our dedicated administration and teachers are committed to fostering a nurturing and stimulating environment where students are empowered to think critically, independently, and creatively. We hold high academic expectations, instilling a passion for lifelong learning that extends far beyond graduation.


In addition to our rigorous academic program, our co-curricular offerings play a vital role in nurturing social growth and talent development beyond the classroom. Led by our Director of Student Activities, students have the opportunity to explore their creative talents through drama and assume leadership roles in planning various events such as Shabbatonim, Purim Festival, Chanukah Chagigah, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut programs. They also take charge of color war activities and represent our school at prestigious events like AIPAC, Mishmeres, and other national conferences.


Central to our co-curricular program is our commitment to social responsibility, which is fostered through extensive chessed initiatives. Through partnerships with organizations such as Chai Lifeline, Bikur Cholim, Better Together Project, the kosher food bank, and The Closet, students actively engage in acts of kindness and community service, developing essential character traits along the way.


Furthermore, our students benefit from a rich tapestry of guest speakers, including community Rabbis, Holocaust survivors, and prominent Jewish leaders, who enrich the educational experience by sharing their insights and experiences.


At Sha'arei Bina, we believe in providing a holistic education that not only challenges the mind but also nurtures the heart and soul, preparing students to excel academically, socially, and morally in today's complex world. Welcome to a place where learning knows no bounds and every student is encouraged to shine.