Middle School » Science


6th Grade: The integrated 6th grade Science course will explore Earth, life’s structure and classification, matter and atoms, and the types of energy. Hands-on activities are regularly included in the curriculum to ensure a practical and applicable understanding of the topics. Classes include instruction, group work, and interactive labs. 


7th Grade: The integrated 7th grade Science course will focus on cell structure and function, changes and interactions of living organisms, the foundation of Chemistry, Earth as a system and all its interacting parts, motion and forces, and the parts of the solar system. The students regularly apply their knowledge through hands-on activities and projects to expand their understanding of the concepts and topics covered. 


8th Grade: The students will explore the concepts of Earth Science following the Florida State Standards. Earth Science provides an in-depth look into Earth, specifically the forces within Earth, running water and groundwater, Earth’s history, the dynamic ocean, Earth’s atmosphere, and Earth’s place in the solar system. The students will also apply their knowledge from these topics to real-world environmental applications and problems that directly affect Earth and Earth’s inhabitants.